Three please.
21d. Rest of shattered chandelier had vanished 7.
28a. a poet carries duck into boat 6.
29a scoff at clear cryptic clue I sent in 8.
many thanks...
Three please.
11a. Appropriate business fancies somehow saving time. 10.
14a. Get used to brief charge to front of Margate. 8.
21a. Pair set out in rain running along river bank. 8.
Thank you....
Help to start please. 7d. Stage should be red, not black and not square at the top. is it round ............5.10 12d. Thoroughbred using maximum energy 4.7. 14d. I have to follow new credit rule 9....
Three please.
13a. Emancipated rogue a very short old American. 10.
1a. Work damn busily to reduce price. 4.4.
21d. Unfinished Scottish house occupies edges of empty inlet. 7
Many thanks....
Three Please.
1a. Grooming option for pet that exerts a firm grip. 7.4.
4d. Where top grub gets cooked when sent in. 9.
16d. Pursue London police in quad. 9.
Many thanks/...
5a.Group in Philadelphia who gave ambiguous answers. 6.
5d.D utch b.movies shot about British attacks from the air. 4-5.
12d.Passionate prison reformer that is inspired 5.
Many thanks....
2d. Get 17 in 25 across for European 27 say. 7.
9a Public relations broadcast that is plain. 7
12a. Give out cost covering foreign aid.7.
Many thanks....
10d. Check tune for each boy soprano meeting bosses .12.
21a. Duke swallowed story about new info at top of column. 8.
18d. Sunlit rocks concealing golden mollusc. 8.
Help Please.
1a. Slim monarch starts to consider any problem wearing this. 8.3.
24a. Some French catching big game can't stand. 7.
2 7a Jails modern entrance, 7
Many thanks....
Help with three please. 10a. Very bad year in fashionable Dutch chateau. 8. 20a. Send goods abroad again formerly covered by account.2.6. 4d. Bountiful sailor and German worker. 8. Many thanks....
Help please.
4d. Miss only guy prepared to secure promotion. 5.4.
5d. Bring back surplus Scandinavian money. 7.
18d. Employ new joke in middle of speech. 6
Thank you...
Help please with four. 11a. To Doctor, contents of kidney are grave signs. 10. 2d Heavy duty experiment to support large current. 10. 10d. Apathetic coach enters boring team. 12 25a. Two score...