If you honour his request to shoot him if you see him near a boat, please make sure that you are only holding a camera, preferably on knight setting! RE FRIGHT SHORTENS RAGE...... Is this what the...
32.Although they are originally from Bolivia they could help canal workers keep a cool head as they watch the liners squeeze past. 33.In this commercial brinkmanship lots go down in price instead of...
4.How a play, which tells the story of a descision to drop the Drachma in favour of the Euro, might be categorized. 11.Whether it was an Iberian fighting ship or a nasty little Medusa, you wouldn't...
e.g. Citric peal from St. Clemens = Oranges and lemons. 1.Geographically they meet at Greenwich. 2.Reared together on wolf's mlk, eventually one killed the other. 3.Describes celebrities who appear in...
1. The city provided a racetrack for Chariots of Fire where speeding is something to be applauded. 2. It wasn't yeast, but after spending 1 and a half years in space, the microbes in it rock from this...
This walking shoe sounds like an Irishman speaking English. Even this wasn't sufficient to see cheeky chappie, Kenny Logan, in Strictly Come Dancing Exhibition dance. What was the occupation of a...
The cryptic clues give us the names of an animal - large, small, real or ficticious Was he startled at Her 81st birthday when he found out that She wasn't 162? His adventures began when he was left on...
His adventures began on Bamaluz Beach in St Ives in 2006 Was mint sauce also produced in a test tube to accompany her? Great CUBUL SHAPE, alexander Clown of the coral reef became the star of a major...
The answers are drinks (including trade names) from these cryptic clues: A man who's over stylish and suave Not always drunk by louts Related to Jackie or Joan A tape from north of the border Did Mary...