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...for finding the most obscure excuses to jump on a popular bandwagon... BBC East Midlands Today has just run a full article with film and interviews lasting about 10 mins on the new Wimbledon...
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....part of Mrs jan's chemotherapy treatment involves self injecting of 'Filgrastim'. Sticking a needle into herself is very unpleasant and is quite traumatic for her. Is there anything you can...
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... I liked Stephs changing of 'Referendum' to 'Neverendum', that tickled me at 6.15 this morning.
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Please 20ac Item in London salon needed to improve image? (8) ??R???S?...
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...John Lobb shoes, a documentary about this centuries old Royal Warrent boot and shoe maker. Fascinating, did anyone else see it, if not its on the iplayer.
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....Iv'e been watching a bit of this morning's play from Lord's and thought there was something different about the Sri Lankan players shirts. Then it dawned on me that the 'Ceylon Tea' sponsor name...
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.... Which ABer routinely has the most answers to their individual posts. I'm going for 'Waterboatman' on this one. He seems to get around 100 every dayfor his 'Good Morning Early Birds!' post....
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janzman you think.... dannyk13 perhaps 5,640 out of a total of 77,316 or 7.3% wow.......
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janzman any of you know this theatre, I just love it. The building is an Art Deco 1930's Odeon Cinema and the theatre itself is 'In The Round'. Its the home of Alan Ackbourne....
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janzman any European Country that is alphabetically between France and Switzerland. Answer... Belarus....and his occupation was a writer on tax matters. I know nerves kick in but...
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janzman travelled at 17000 miles an hour wow!. Buzz says more like 26000 mph on re entry. BIG DEAL ......each and every one of us is travelling at 67000mph... that's the speed wer'e orbiting the sun....
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janzman What do you think...
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...struggling today with bottom half of puzzle. 19ac Unreliable wobbly poles likely to lead to disaster (8,5) ??I????Y/????E 18d A call for assistance draws in top firefighter (8) no letters. 23ac...
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...I have just bought a small hardwood patio table. It's 90cm square and I can't find a square protective cover for it, can anyone help please.
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This cruise liner weighs 227,000 tons and it's overall height is 266feet, however only 30feet (draft) is below the waterline. My question in a nutshell is why dosen't it capsize as it seems to be...
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...the great West Indian broadcaster Tony Cozier at the age of 75 years.
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...Janet's daughter passsed away just before 7 o'clock this morning. No more pain, no more suffering she is at peace now. RIP Louise sleep well.......
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I am pleased to report that Janet is progressing well after three sessions of chemotherapy.However we are sorry to report that Jan's 38 year old daughter, whom you may recall she has been diagnosed...

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