i have almost conpleted a scheidegger course- but after watching reading about how it's qualifications are not recognised is it worth carrying on. Has anyone who has completed this course got a...
I have had my Air con re-gased in my 51 plate scenic and it still does not work. Renault were useless - they wanted to go home for the 3.30pm shut of time on Friday. Thanks guys!! Anyway, has any one...
Do the people at General Motors really think that by replacing the Deawoo badge with the Chevrolet bow they'll sell more of these useless excuses for transport? Is the British public really that...
A few days a go I asked a question about OAP drivers; http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/How-it-Works/Question1001 56.html People, including myself, keep whinging and whining about how bad some people are...
What's your pet hate relating to things that people ignore in the highway code? Mine is when you are walking across a side road and a car tries to turn in and blasts their horn at you for having the...