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my pc is runnung slow any suggestions to make it faster?
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does anyone know who sings this song ,lyrics are "Stop that train I want to get of, hey Mr postman bring back my woman" Many thanks
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we are going to court on friday for bankruptcy please can you tell me if our bank account will be frozen it is a simple cardcash account with no overdraft facility of cheque book in just for paying in...
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Lea: How can any single parent leave a child for a potential 13 weeks just to appear on a TV show?
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A largely ignored story was debated on Jeremy Vine's show today - an extreme anti-abortionist in his 70's forwarded temprary address details to his local hospital regarding his proplsed hip...
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I am probably in the minority that actually likes Blair. but feel he should stand down sooner rather than later for the future of the labour party, any view ?
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Have you sudied Anatomy for a career in medicine, massage, reflexology or other? I want to study anatomy to help with my art and portraiture. I attend life drawing classes but I am wondering if there...
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what is the score of a normal functioning liver for a female aged 30?
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I am just wondering why hospitals and GPs dont communicate with each other? what is the reason? I recently moved and informed the PCT and my GP, presuming that then my Neourologist would also be...
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what,s the best site for downloading music without viruses and pop ups. thanx
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hey!!! does anyone remember the childrens tv show The Clangers? if so does anyone know that they are? thought they maybe a animal, but not sure. can anyone help?
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I know everyone probably know this ( apart from me ), what does it say on the till when maggie is scanned ,thanks x
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Following on from other threads dealing with the question of our safety and security being threatened by some immigrants, should we adopt what a French politician is suggesting : Love France/England...
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Anyone been through it, do you regret it, or was it the best descion at the time, any views or advice would be appreciated thanks x
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my dad has just turned 81, hes always had periods of depression but hes always recovered , he is a terrible worrier and my mothers health is of great concern to him/ along with worry over himself, us...
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I have posted a question on here before. But am I alone in going mad not working, applying for jobs. Getting turned down. And it hits your confidence. And whats the longest any of you have been out of...
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Are these any good . Was thinking of buying one ,anyone reccommend a good one thanks in advance x
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Hi fern and phillip where talking to this man with several wifes today and they said the programe featuring his story was on tonight anyone know what station many thanks x
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Fish the Mod
Is tonights Holby city repeated on any channels over the next few days
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Dr Salyikova
The reaction I recieved on this website was not as I had hoped.I have never been treated with this suspicion before.However I believe there are AB users who would have found what I have to say of use...

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