my eyes are dim, I cannot see: Got weird arch shaped squiggles that wont go with blinks & cause dbl vision. I dont wear specs or have eye probs normally. It happens when lights go on. like now....
My X type sailed thru today passing 90% of other stranded cars. I had to take staff home as their Audi/Mercedes/Porsche were stuck with wheel spins in car park :)
Duck goes into job centre and says "can I have a job"
Assistant rings Chippendale Circus to see if they can employ a talking duck.
Duck says "I'm a welder"....
bluddy xmas cards; they're arriving thick & fast & I just cant start on responding. I was hoping to scive the job by sending e-cards :(
How you coping with yours ?...
girly's bf changed nuts & bolts to increase heat output on ch radiator 2days ago. The rad fell off its wall fitting and have managed to re-hang it but its dripping slowly. I dont have too much...