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New Law to Allow Employers to Promote a Woman over a Man...even though the man is better qualified. The law is being introduced to allow companies balance out the number of women in a company to the...
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Evening all. I just wanted to ask for some advice/opinions on what you think I should do. I've been estranged from my mother for nearly 9 years. This is due to the fact that she is a chronic...
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http://www.theanswerb...l/Question963651.html I appear to now be getting a cold....
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I have a friend who smokes only when we go out for a drink, are you a social smoker?
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1 litre of Bombay Sapphire 200 Superking Blues oh and a loaf of bread... Aren't kids wonderful!...
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pls be at mine on christmas day to deal with the knobheads in my family as quickly as those SAB invaiders
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Hi Im addicted to this thing!! Its causing me problems. Sometimes i think its a lack of motivation and i'm just blaming the laptop.. Im so LAZY! its quite worrying. I sit in all day infront of the...
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I have a small battery charger which I purchased many moons ago and I would like to know how long does it take to fully charge a flat battery at 5amps.
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Apparently the police in Newcastle have issued such advise to clubbers. Maybe the Newcastle Brown acts like anti-freeze?...
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Answerprancer Making sure you are using decent headphones or speakers, hover your cursor over the "22kHz-12kHz Sweep + Voice Over" bit. (It's a downsweeping...
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im a lost soul no more avatars for me!! the big ed in the sky hates me!! xmas wont be the same!! banned forever! please help santa!!...
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Had a choir accompaniment - anyone got a link to the music, ta
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Never made one before, looked on line found very little out, Does anyone know anywhere on the high street cheap for thin wire or tissue paper? I have a huge mega roll of thick heavy brown paper but i...
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About three years back I bought this throw from the Telegraph as a under blanket for my elderly horse sadly she died last year (34) so the throw went with her to the grave. I would like to buy...
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I have a friend called Mary and we've been friends for years. But this year she's been extremely annoying!! She is jelous of my best friend Kate. She follows her around and writes to her and hardly...
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Is income on Paypal taxable ? could HMRC track ones account ?
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I have done 3 posts of the same topic so how do i delete 2 of them? Also could you help out with the only question i have on my page. It's called My Jelous Friend. All suggestions and cooments will be...
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How can I heat a small(ish) dog kennel that's within a garage?
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Advantages of not having to work any more... 1. Don't have to get out of bed at silly o'clock. 2. Can please myself what I do all day. 3. Cheap hair dressers on a Tuesday.. 4. Free transport...Buses/...
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Just why do you think that atheists hold the views that they do? Naomis thread (below) mentions that the word atheist has been used in a derogatory way towards her. WHY? Do you think that atheists are...

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