=related For all you lovers out there, the most cheery and happy song of the 80's. Long live Love. Comments and criticisms will be warmly received.
I would like to buy a travel chess computer because I am flying from Manchester Airport to my holiday destination on Monday, and waiting at the airport is so boring. I don't have enough time to buy...
Having been in discussion with the Ayatolla about our up & coming 25th weding anniversary in 2011 I came up with the idea of a trip to Australia, staying there for 3 months, however, she sussed that...
My daughter who is 39 and got 3 daughters aged 12,10 & 8 has spent the last three years studying hard for a law degree, she has just phoned me to say she is disappointed at only getting a 2/1, she...
I had a parking ticket the other day. I woz only there for 2 mins, (sneaky b#####ds) Anyway, the ticket woz all filled out, correct registration BUT the make an model of car woz completely wrong. What...
Am starting to plan a trip to Oz/NZ next January, duration 6-8 weeks. Would much appreciate advice/ideas on all aspects of the holiday including getting there, internal travel, hotels, tours etc. TIA....
Hi folks This is an entirely serious question .... honest !! My family and I inherited a cast iron chiminea and, upon attempting to use it without instructions, all we managed to do was smoke our...
My boyfriends 13yr old son is off to boarding school soon and I wanted to get him something nice but I don't know what. I don't want to get him something that will step on his ex's toes, and I want it...
Hi. my mum has bought a trailor tent/folding camper and has just bought a number plate for it. it has a picture of the tazmanian devil in the corner where you would normally find the gb logo. i was...
My next door neighbour is a single chap who smokes a lot of drugs. I can always smell it. No problem. Today he brought about 6 big bags of ice & then a friend of his brought another 6 or so. They have...
Just read in Todays paper that Terry Wogan is lined up to fill the Richard and Judy slot possiby with a quiz show, another name mentioned was Richard Hammond of Top Gear What do you think of these...
I went to S*******ys today to buy my favourite cereal, only to find that they have put the price up by 30 pence per packet. I know there is a worldwide shortage of strawberries, cashew nuts, oats,...
I bank on the internet. When I tell people, they look dubious, and tell tales of a friend of a friend who works in banking who says it's all a bad idea. But never any CONCRETE proof. So is there any,...
I have 2 children in the same school but they come out at different ends of the building. Last week my daughter class opened their door first, so I was waiting to collect her before going round the...
Somehow, I missed seeing the final of University Challenge on Tuesday. Does anyone know if it is likely to be repeated, and when and where? Failing that, I'll have to ask who won, and if possible a...
is it too much to have 1 bottle wine per day, and which kind of harm it could cause to your body? would the speed of drinking makes any difference? for examply drink 1 bottle in1 hour compare to 1...
Why do people drive in the middle lane when the inside lane is empty? It's not nervous drivers, afraid of cars joining from the left as I first thought. What's the attraction? It is so annoying...