I work in a small factory which gets very cold in the winter months. We moved into this unit last November, and as the heating system was inefficient to the point of uselessness, we made allowances...
Why do cats head butt? One of ours always tries to do this to the oldest one. He doesn't hurt her, and she (usually) ignores him. Is it a dominance thing. He also does it to my husband, butting under...
Has anyone had dental treatment abroad. I am considering dental implants and have made a few enquiries but would like to hear from someone who has actually had treatment. Any advice would be...
Would it be possible for a tattoo artist to do eyebrows? Mine are very sparse after years of over-plucking and although I know they can be done temporarily at a beauticians I wondered if it were...
Does anyone know where I could get a copy of the first uk series of BATG, or somewhere I could download it from. Some of the contestants in this first series were Alex & Will, Sam & Edmund, Hayley &...
My recently divorced friend is in dispute with her ex. Since they married (1976) he has never made any financial contribution to the home, nor has he made any effort financial or otherwise to the...
13a , In Linnaean classification, oorders of plants with 2 styles or deeply clefted style. 37d, Any one of several former ilalian coins, form latin for shield Thank you, (brain a bit mushy today due...