I did my gcses about five years ago, but I lost them about a year ago, and I need to get in contact with the exams boards (AQA,NEABand SEG) to buy my gcse certificates. I don't want to spend cash on a...
Every scar tells a story. Whenever I watch a film or TV and I see someone with a distinctive scar, I am always intrigued to find out how they got it. I know I can find it out on the web, but I can't...
Prior to the current campaign, when was the last time Heinz used this advertising slogan? Obviously I know of the slogan from it being quoted elsewhere, but I don't remember it actually being in use,...
am i the only weirdo that associate colours with days? mondays are blue, tuesdays yellow, wednesdays green, thursdays purple..etc if so what colour are your days?
Loreal, taking the p*** or what?[Please don't use rude words on the site, even if you find a way round the automatic swear-o-meter. Thanks. - AB Editor]
I'm trying to locate a source of supply for this beautiful plant but can't find it in the northwest. Anyone got any ideas or even know if it's suitable for north of England gardens.
I was just enjoying being in the limelight again and looking at all the various responses from other users (BTW thank you Andy and the others) and was leaving it for a day or so before i was going to...
Why does sft42 have to be so abrasive/rude in his postings? He often has some valuble points or answers, but too often spoils this be being gratuitously aggressive or rude, ie calling people idiots,...