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What do you call it when you look like you are being sick but you dont actually be sick. I know most people call it gipping but is there a medical term for it.
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In A Pickle
I realsie that this is probably the wrong category for this,but I hope it will reach more people this way. Checking my VisaCard,I found 3 unauthorised entries. Visa cancelled my card and have issued...
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I am a leeetle bit tipsy :) How is everyone this fine Monday (boo!) evening?
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Was going to buy one of these when the price came down omg its lethal dont bother,due to fan breaking down!!!!
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Chips and beans? Mash and beans with fried red onions? On a ssame seed bun wih ketchup and mustard? Or what ?
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Do you prefer the blue ocean scented one ? Or thegreen pine scented one ? The white one just isnt as god in my opinion.
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What happened to the "Heathcliffe goes walkabout" thread? Do you think that AB thought that it was a bit non-PC?
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An unexpectedly early good morning :) Was planning on getting up early but not quite this early lol :) Heathcliffe has gone for a wander out and enjoying the quiet and lack of scary noises. Looking...
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My partner is in the process of divorce and has 4 weeks remaining til he receives his DECREE ABSOLUTE. When the original papers were filled in the section to do with the children and the shared home...
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my daughter has come home from contact with a bruise and lump on her knee, she told me she fell downstairs while visiting her dad.i phoned him to ask what happened and why was'nt i told and he is just...
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I have a property with an ex partner who is not paying the mortgage and is now having a detrimental effect on my credit rating. I have been advised I can enforce the sale of the property in the...
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hi, can anyone help me please? i set up a sporting team in may this year. people come along for fun, bt we are also planning on entering some competitions next year, (when we have enough talent to put...
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I have just received a letter from the Council telling me that they have calculated my council tax wrongly since 2005. This is because I have two daughters who were at University and therefore I had...
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Should I be worried that I keep having flashbacks from moments in my life from years ago keeping me from sleeping? I'm feeling it a bit at the moment as I've been umemployed for 7 weeks now, not that...
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Zapped again, what did I do this time!!!
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Can anyone tell me how much it costs to sell a home. When i bought mine i had solicitors fees, survey fees etc but what about when you are selling? what fees are there to pay for? And also if i want...
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Morning all :) Well it's the day of the move and am sat surrounded by boxes! Not sure when I'll get my internet sorted by hoping to get some dial up thing before my broadband comes. Having a nice...
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Im 16 years old and these past couple of months have notcied i constantly have a bloated belly and its really getting me down, im not fat its just my belly and it looks like im pregnant which im not....
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Liza B
Hi folks my husband is forty in December and I have no idea what to get him for a present other than a watch. I have asked him ,he doesn't know, but wants something to mark the occasion. He travels a...
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has anyone got any nice fillings for panini's one's my children would eat, aged 11 & 14

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