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For this, I'm going to need you to think back, or look back if you can. I'm trying to find out the name and artist who does a song thats featured in Channel 4's "Shameless". It's on the first episode...
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Does anyone know what song is played in the smirn off advert - the one about turning ashes to diamonds then it says 10 times filtered?
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I was trying to find where I could buy radius toothbrushes in the uk, when i accidently came across AB. How did you discover it?
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From the pairs of options below pick the one choice which you favour from each pair. It doesn't matter what your reasons are for making your choice as long as you have picked one from all twenty...
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i would like to know the title and artist if i can... i only know the lyrics " im your mama, im your daddy, im that monster in your closet" its a slower rap song and the guy whispers...
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In the current mastercard advert where the girl spends ?130 on a new dress, ?10 on relaxing oils, ?2000 on a new nose (ok maybe i'm sensationalizing) then goes to wedding and it says "the...
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does anyone know where I could buy one of those gadgets that puts plastic through labels on clothes? Sorry - I've no idea what they're called!
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For anyone who saw my question - 'how many posts' in AB Suggestions this is the follow on, to work out the average age of Abers (and get loads and loads of posts! Ha ha). I'll get the ball...
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It would be interesting to know if the more regular AB'ers come from any particular part of Britain. I'll start; Shefford, Bedfordshire.
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Just been reading a post regarding right/left handed children. It made me wonder how many ABer's are left or right handed. Hope tha'ts ok Ed! BTW - I'm left handed & left footed.
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in the john smiths advert where peter kays the dj at a wedding reception whos the girl that plays the bride, i remeber her being in something (maybe a soap) i think she cries alot, its...
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This is probably in the wrong section but its the one I look at most. Anyway my question is does anybody know of any good April Fool tricks to do at work. But please not the number of the local...
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My daughter is doing some maths coursework this week and it's based on reaction times plotted against age.  She would very much appreciate it if any of  you could spare a few minutes to do...
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(6,5) i have all the letters. e b r n g s r n o e o can you help?
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hi , this song is really causing me and my mate sum serious confusion... we dont know the words of the chorus. the most we get is 'never gonna let ya go cos my baby...' but then we dont have a clue...
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Does anyone remember a story called 'The Boy From Space' ? It was featured in 'Words and pictures' programmes and shown in schools during the late seventies. It used to scare the s**t out of me !
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1.Bill bets Craig ?100 that he can predict the score of the Football game before it starts. Craig agrees, but loses the bet. Why did Craig lose the bet? 2.A father's child, a mother's child, yet no...
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1.A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms. The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions that...
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it was in the mid 90's by a girl. and the song went like this "eeny, weeny, teeny, weeny, shrivelled little short short man (dont want dont want dont want dont want)' well that was the clean version...
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who sung hippy chick in 1990.

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