Is it just my son and me or does anyone else think that the advert for the National Lottery with the smiling mouths is really creepy?My son is 10,is not usually bothered by adverts but this one makes...
I heard the Redemption Sonmg by Bob Marley the other day and i remembered hearing it in a film but i cannot think which one. Im sure it is sang by people after someone has died, maybe at there...
What would you say are the most ridiculous chavvy Christian names you hear mothers or fathers shout at their kids these days - You know the sort of thing - Chelsea,Britney,etc.....- Not saying that...
Help. I have to get my mum summat 4 mothers days and i am completely stuck 4 what to get her. She wouldnt want : C.ds, movies, Ornaments, candles, chocolate, jewellery, teddy bears, clothes,...
what does everyone think the saddest moment on TV ever has been? after watching Gabby speak about her baby on Desperate Housewives last night I think that comes at the top of mine. any others?
I posed this question at the end of another question I had, the response from 3 people was No, definately not, and it seemed to rile a few people up... so please be honest in your answers... If your...
i just wondered if anyone could list the songs featured in this advert, i think it's for a program on BBC Three. i'd love to get some of the songs. Also, does anyone know what the name of the song is...
What are your most fav..and disliked school dinners?? I hated swede and tried to hide it under my knife and fork,,,,but loved the chocolate cake and custard. Did you ask the dinner ladies serving it...
My problem now is I feel that the straw has pretty much broken the camels back now. I feel flattened and made to look like the stupid little wife who is tucked up at bed sleeping while her husband is...
What do u think are the best songs for when you are apart from the person you love? Or When someone has died? What feels rite 2 listen 2 ? What songs are really powerful and ful of emotion?