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Stuck on last two from yesterday: 15d (A)bridge (8) ?O?T?A?T and 18d Medal had finally darkened in the sun (7) ?R?N?E?
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I'm wanting to buy a decent set of binoculars. I understand that there are some with anti-shake capabilities which are heavier because of batteries. Are they worth the money? I will get plenty of use...
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Stuck on last two - 17d Officer's material not English (8) ?O???R?L and 21a Inescapable revolutionary avoiding awkward ban for principal (8) E?????A?. And is 3d Country Dance (Out of town ball 7,5)?...
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Last couple: 1a Vehicle makes way for others (10) S?O?P???G? 10a Not the customer to do a fair deal (4) ?G?Y Would it be ugly and why?
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13a Became fixed in the rose garden, perhaps (8) E???D?E?
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A way to join the union (8,7)? 1a M???I?G?S?R????
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29 a Episcopal dignity does not reach end of large church (8) ?A?H?D?A . Is it cathedra? Surely that's not the dignity himself but the 'seat'? Thanks in advance!
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Stuck on the following: 18d Is news, if found, inaccurately spread (9) D?F?U???N 32a Completely ignoring question about new ally (5) U???? 23d Sends removers of impurities (6) ?E???S - this one is a...
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Stuck on last two. 19a Exercising for fun in decider (3-3) RUN??? and 14d Hard work fruit propagators do (5) ?R???
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29a Change ones habit - that's the remedy (7) ?E?R?S?; Bearing part of train (8) I have C?R?R??E. I think it must be carriage but stuck on why 23d wouldn't fit - Most uninteresting rough ride good man...
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Stuck on last one: Oriental sailor changed sides, the rogue (6) R?S?A?
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Anyone - and thanks in advance! - assist with 2d Weed sprouting under logs (9) GR???????
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20a Say about husband going in pale (4) Have A?H? 17a Amphibian remaining headless (3) E?T Have I messed others up?...
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I have a micro hifi system which records radio, etc to an SD card. However, the format is in MP2 and I want to transfer the files to my phone to listen to at leisure. Can I change the format to MP3 so...
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Oops, forgot 3a Protection to put first (6) S???T? and 4d A few snowflakes - blast! (6) ??U?R?
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Southern sailor's pay? (5) Have S?R??
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Have heard the word \'grockle\' and \'emmet\' being used for tourists. Does anyone else have any other good words or phrases for holidaymakers? And what part of Britain are you from?
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In Spain, I have found a special flour used to coat vegetables and fish and meat prior to frying. They make the most delicious fritters, for example. Is there an equivalent in the UK? It\'s much...
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Hi I am in a reasonably healthy financial situation with only a few hundred pounds owing on my mortgage. I am aged 54 and want to move to Scotland where the house I am looking at has a tenanted...
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Last clue to solve: 21a - Beginning to get upset, admitting hoax, cracks (7) DE?I?ES. Because of the nature of this convoluted clue, it has one letter to be changed but I need the answer first, which...

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