For a quiz at work, no number of letters or words given 3 Dads? summit 15 You have been wrongly set up 20 Damaged building structures 21 Mr Dimbleby?s stream 35 Large chap who lives with monks 44...
I have just won ?20 in the Cartmel scout quiz. I certainly couldnt have done it without AB as 2 questions had me completely stumped Thanks for the help Jean
The Cinnamon Trust 'Identify the Nice & Easy Picture Quiz' is now available. 60 pictures to identify - there is a subtle theme to the pictures so your first answer may not be the correct answer....
Hiya My 8 year old grandson has put 'Harry Potter Books' on his list to Santa, just in case Santa is not familiar with this product, can anyone point him in the direction of a full set of the 7 in...
our friends have bought little interactive toys from tescos but when i went to get some they were sold out. they are four little figures sat at drums and when you switch the first one on they all...
Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that it is not coming up on google searches this afternoon? Usually it appears as near the top result on almost any search.
I'm looking for inspiration for a Secret Santa present for a colleague. The budget is ?10, I don't know her too well, so was thinking something a little humorous/festive?
I'm after an Army Officer Hat, the type that Pete Doherty wore at Live 8 and i've seen Kat Von D wearing a russian officer one, i live in Berkshire - so would anybody no where i could find one in the...
Can anyone tell me of an author who writes really well thought out crime stories? I do not like American detectives, they are far too slick and often foul mouthed. I just want to find a good English...
does anyone have any details of any current ones? Perhaps closing after christmas!?! I have not been on here for a while and the search is bringing up results from months and years ago! Cheers!
I just finished reading The Book of The Dead by Patricia Cornwell and I have to say I was very disappointed with it. Any fans of Ms Cornwell shouldn't bother wasting their money on it.I have read all...
I'm thinking of taking up painting with acrylics on canvas - could any arty types out there in the ether give me any tips on how to begin? Does the canvas need any preparation / undercoating before...
Last night someone posted that they had not recieved their copy of the Cinnamon Trust Dingbats quiz. I have tried to get them to come back to me so I can help but they haven't replied. All requests...