8 across smell the endless crude oil in underground activity ???H?L??? 11 across hackers urge to make old yorkshire produce R???N? C??? 3 down FEEBLE AS KENS HUMOUR ?????r? 16 ACROSS FAMILY WENT ROUND...
Struggling with one - not being a wine addict! 16a Medium dry variety of white rhine wine produced in a town neam the mainz-Bingen region of Germany. I have N???S???N?R. Any help greatly appreciated -...
7a term for several thermo plastic resins ?c?y?i?
12a any category of art or literature characterised by a set of stylish criteria ?e?r?
4d place where judo or karate is taught ?e?o
I have two queries today with Kate's crossword and dont know if anyone else has picked it up - - -12down one of three posterior thigh MUSCLES The only answer that fits is Hamstring which is a tendon...
Last one to find - 18a A target for long-distance shooting in archery [5] I have r-v-r and as an ex archer, this rings no bells with me. Any help would be great