Who annoys you, I will go for Nicole Scherzinger she is most annoying on X Factor all that arm waving and baby talk voice, I have to mute her when she is on.
Adele called her first albums 19 & 21 because they are numbers that have special importance to her life
Her new album 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 is due out next month....
I've been mulling this over and can't see that it makes sense. Kettering has gone from charming market town to a run down and uninteresting town with nothing much to draw people in. Today I was doing...
Thinking of not sending cards after this year - not any that have to go in the post anyway, as it's costing too much. Want to add a note to this year's cards to advise this is the last year ..... how...
Knew this would happen if I gave in and got a new phone. It won't let me make calls or texts...says emergency calls only...I have used it for the past couple of days with no problems. Have I pressed...
I know its a wee bitty early but I'm feeling a bit under the weather but I didn't want to let you all down so hope you have fun with this one Good Luck...
I like to keep a relatively tidy pad however much the kids think otherwise, but I find it hard to keep up sometimes. Thus I sometimes leave bits and bobs to do in the morning, and I hate getting up to...
It's a new one on me, but followers of Breatharianism believe food is unnecessary and sunlight can provide all the nourishment the body needs. Michelle Pfeiffer says she was 'saved' from this cult...
I've just had one for tea ... lovely with a bit of pickle. But whenever a survey is done of people's eating habits, no-one admits to eating a pork pie - ever. Yet millions are sold every day. It...
You're in the shower, thoroughly soaped including your hair and the water suddenly goes ice cold. No Mic to shout for. I was freezing cold. All sorted now but why it happened I do not know.
It's the penultimate episode tomorrow night.
Will you miss Suchet's masterful performances as Christie's greatest detective, or will you be glad to see the back of him and his effete mince-athons?...
I really, really, really hate tearing cotton wool.I am smothered with goosebumps and cannot shift that hideous feeling!What smell, texture,sound etc gives you the heeby-geeby's?...