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when do you truly know when your reay for babies.Ive been with my husband for 7 years married for 2 but im still only 22. How o you know when the time is right?
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So what's your fave biccie to dunk? or even, just to eat without dunking? (Jamie...thanks!) that site ref? I'm a big digestive fan. Also like Fruit shortcake, and Ringtons sultana...
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How many calories in a bottle of red wine
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Jamie Lewis
Cheese carries a strength rating and wine has a sweetness/dryness indicator, so do you not think that biscuits should have a dunkability factor? So you can gauge how long you can dunk it in your tea...
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Does any one know the best pet insurance you can get?
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Do you think that the British National party will now give up the pretence of being a respectable party, and go back to what they always have been under the thin veneer, that is, a party of unpleasant...
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how does this series end? what happens to both characters in the story. I've wanted to know for years!!! Can anyone help?
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movie phrase "tuck your ****** into your ******"
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when a firefighter has used air from their breathing apparatus, how do they re-fill the cylinders? thanks
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Anyone remember any obsolete products of the 70s? Ones you hated / loved...
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are the rumours true that there will be an 'ocean's 12'?
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i have recently taken part in a group debate about abortion. the question was 'if you found out at 12 weeks that your child may hev cerebal palsy, would you terminate the pregnancy? As without the new...
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plants used in cooking for seasoning and flavouring and eaten as vegetables are known as what?
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Why do children pick their nose and eat it?
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Scotlands ugly side comes up again. Its an out rage its time the were banned from going on holiday.
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Is there any such thing as a 'sweet' red wine? I only like very sweet white wine (hate dry) and fancied trying a sweet red if it exists?
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andy hughes
Let me stake my claim from the start - as a music writer, I am aware that tastes vary between ages, and rap music is not aimed at 49 year old white men specifically, but, that said ....The Streets'...
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How come there arent any of the kind of hydrants that you see in the US in the UK. Do UK firemen tap straight into the water supply or what. am very curious.
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Can you believe this? I despair, I really do. What a disgraceful man.
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What is THE best song in the world??

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