Can anyone furnish me with the address details for The Mail on Sunday crossword, the only part I can read is the postcode, the number etc is missing. Thanks
12a carries out Complicated ascent (6) e?a?t? 22a European river one featured in historic writings (5) l?i?? 18d novel way to identify archaeologists find (5) s???d. Thank you
16a native of Australia’s most southerly state (9 letters) t?s?e?i?n I thought it should be Tasmanian but the e is for Robert (Louis Stevenson) thanks...
27d Give a man a free hand he ll try to put it all .......(3,4) o?e ???? 35a What Utterson remarked he saw on the face of Dr Jekyll (Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde) Chapter 2 (6,9) ??t?n? s?g?a???e is it...