3a zealous apostle penning a choral song (8) ?t?s?m?n, 21a ramshackle home guardawfully rude leaving town (5) o?a?h, 8d in we go out for a duck (6) ?i?e?n, 22d behind circling duck another one in the...
33d used to extend arm to first curry accompaniment. An afterthought (7) t?i?e?s 14d are shrouding the threadbare islanders heads in clothing (6) ?t?i?e 15d little devil! Inlet before mine has...
20a botanical term for small dry indehiscent one seeded fruit, as found in clematis, caddicks nursery Warrington are recognised as the regions leading suppliers of clematis varieties (8) a?h?n??? Must...
69a the sort of stick you get when you try to kiss on the rebound (8,3) ?i?l?a?d ?u? 42a local table lost fifty Romans can be found (9) ??c?t?b?e is it excitable. Thank you