I'm on my last four please help 33DN Strolling aimlessly, following road that is going south of river (8) ?L???R?? 42DN Popular east-west style of food and drink (8) ??F???O? 41AC Glass-roofed...
I need four please 22DN Misprint that's releating to the shore, we're told (7) L?T?R?L 31DN Russian often at sea supplying tin (12) S?A??F?R?U? 39AC Rural site of Mogul architecture, one administered...
3 LEFT PLEASE 5DN Car borrowed from garage has been altered at the front, i complain (12) R?M?R?T?A?O? 6DN Settles in Tours having wandered round globe (5, 3, ) I?O?E, ?U? 21 AC Very willingly accept...
8DN European ship's officer regerets mooring boat at far end of quayside (10) P?????U?S? 14AC Scotsman in a spin about direction film-maker's given (9) C?????D?? 17AC Taciturne, yet concluded...
NEED HELP ON TOP LEFT CORNER 1AC One gets uesd to surf crests, common occurrences in summer and winter (7) ??O?S?? 1DN By Torquemada's held by scholarly monk (6) ????D? 13AC Stop group of plotters...