22DN Hundreds assemble around copper in capital city (8) ?A???C?? 23DN Social movement half of us were bound to benefit from (6-10) ?O???S ???E?A?I?N 29AC When about ten, i learned an unusual piece of...
11AC Paradoxically its tender (4-4) ?A?D ???H 26AC Come back looking as new different colour (8) A?S???E? 22DN Because its small nice to travel with (5) S???S MANY THANKS
41DN Unknown flyer circling cowshed look up all of you (9) ??E?????? 52AC Case of wine, following a misceliany (9) P?R???L?? 50AC Parliament taking a line on eating regimens (7) D???A?? 28DN Element...
35AC Man after ingot invented excuses (4-7) G??? B?????D 23DN Penitent offender tacking stock (8) ???T???? 36DN King and queen caught argument queen is one who could be arrested (4-7) ???? C??????...
21AC Hatter, man so mad in his creation (3,1,7,) ??? ? S?A?T?R 16AC Empty out old green pot (8) ??E?T?R? 5AC Bit of a nerve shown as clergyman snatches record(8) ??C????? 7DN Very old South African...
1AC Treasurer's appeal coached in West Country accent (6) ????A? 1DN Use flattery that's not too tasteful (8) ??A?D?S? 2DN He clarifies advert about home (7) ??F?N?R 20AC Father and son travel from...
1AC Land in America and disperse (6) ?P???? 11AC News about maiden taken to court produces bitterness (8) ?O?????D 3DN In English firm, i'm worthy of deep respect (9) ??T???B?E 4DN One churchman or...
1DN Baby lettuce planted (6) ?????? 1ACfIELD LED BY INSTRUCTOR LOSING HEART IN PART OF LABYRINTH (7) ??????A 9AC Learned about hard expanse or ice lessening (9) ??????A?E 13AC Insult one with language...
1DN Did duck, chopped, and filled with English port (6) D?E?P? 7DN Whiskey out of barrel reserved for the host A?G?L? ??A?? 10DN It's shamful cutting rate for actor (8) S???I??? 28DN Variety of pop...
14AC Nice time on returning sub (6) ???R?O 21AC Are fishmongers cross about start of fish mountain (7,4) ??A?E?? ,?I?E 31AC Return path includes maximumvelocity finish with power (11) ????T???U?E 49AC...