19AC Front part of shoe, pleasant one to kick out (9) I?S?L???? 25AC Sign on shopkeeper's door that's unhinged(3,2,5,) ?U? ?? L???? 27AC Desperate need to put a revised version in the post (10)...
6DN Runs out of play area as conversion is described (9) D?????E?E 12AC Hurried round to throw crooks out (5,4) C?O?? ???R 16DN Swine keeps web address active for limited duration (8) ?O?R???G MANY...
8DN Capital radio gives entertainer opening (9) ????A???E 10AC Scottish solicitor left worker without money (3,5,) L?? ????? 4DN Exercise diplomacy after ejecting clubs in international competition...
28AC Resolution shown by marines boarding splendid ship (8) F???N?S? 19AC Crack in single track railway at the start (3-5) O?? ?I??? 3DN Much improved, given revolutionary treatment? (6,5) ????E?...
I just cant get started today please help 5DN Be really eager to go on an ego trip (4,4,7,) ???? G??? ??????? 13DN Successfully pursuing wife in Cambridgeshire location (7,4,) ??????? ???? MANY THANKS
LAST THREE PLEASE 20DN Killed by spirits it's the russian story (4,5,) D?A? S???S 35AC Messenger forgets lines i must step in to shakepeare role (8) M?R???I? 46DN Maybe daughter's work once son gets...
15AC not forgetting, when looking through the keyhole? (6,2,3,2,) H?V??? A? ??E ?O 18AC start being used as recruitment slogan? (4,4,5,) C?M? I??? F?R?E 10DN they're worn round the arm, guys! (8)...
LAST FOUR PLEASE 24DN can opener produce sound cricket shot? (4,4,) ?I?G, ???L 32DN flower under zero temperature in two hours? unlikely here (8) H?????S? 35AC beginning to shout, call and call girl...
34DN hardy's joyous scene about liberal came together perfectly (11) T?S?E?L???? 37DN seat fronts turn black with pigs around(6-4) ???D?E, ?O?S MANY THANKS
6DN be authority on tear-jerkers? (4,4,6,) ??O? O??? ??I?H? 34AC a going concern for parents? (6,8,) C?i??? T?A?H?N? 39DN level with darling wife involved in relatively peaceful affair (6,3,) P???E?...