2DN one among artistic circles combining style and function (5) T?N?O 22DN US poet on fourth of july showing little enthusiasy (6) F???T? 28AC fashion note introduced by upwardly mobile type, an...
last two please i may have gone wrong somewhere 20AC giving off sparks when struck. like a flint (9) IGNE?C??? 15DN agile, bovid mammal, naturally inhabiting stony ground (4) g?a? many thanks
need a kick start please 9AC various pregnant eskimos acquainted with each other (2,8,5,) ??-??????N?-????? 13AC tv programme that is taped by clergmen with time to spear (10) ????????E? 17AC VIP's...
tel 26 dd former county in southwest wales (?Y?E?) LANCELOT 4dn main changes to asia minor (4) ?I?A 28AC women kept in to show brilance (5) S?E?E MANY THANKS
21AC commonwealth capital has something beneficial on both sides of the street (6) G?S?O? 23AC increase in importance for ****-tail (8) S?N???L? 25AC very good pie crust, say with chips(5-5) S?L?E...
1ac children's author needs wheels to turn -to create another (5,7) ????? ???r??? 10ac security has to exist in securing device (9) ??b?????? 7dn make conntainers properly between containers in...
21dnproper english girl having come first in history (8) P?I????A? 31ac secure a little drink say in north american city (8) W?N????? 29dn journey on foot in the land of nod (9) ???L?N?S MANY THANKS