Last two. 20a Works function edgy ? Not very (7) . T?N?I?Y.
43 a Copying,one's satisfied,picked up by microphone (7). Is it MEMETIC or MIMETIC .I have
M?M?T?C . Help please ....
Last three. 54a Singular art including most blue (7) . S?D?E?T . Must be SADDEST but I don't understand why . 10d Note what's up in the papers ? (5). S?E?F . SHEAF fits ( papers) but I don't get the...
Last 3 and struggling. 14a As fruit ,cut by length four times (9).Q?A???P?E. Could it be QUADRUPLE and ,if so , why? 16a Confused report of more profound times (2,1,4).Is it that IN A DAZE sounds...
Last two . 23a Singer Joanna knocking out number loudly (4) ?I?F Is it RIFF and why ? 47d Which thing's going to said plant in Australia? (6) ?A?T?E Help please....
Finding this unusually difficult . 1d Tory politicians divided by deal,lacking answer on European disagreement (11). C?????T???? . 34d Man's breast rising with woman's in extremes of fortune (4-3-4) ....
Having difficulty with this . 35a Person relishing scam developed neurosis (11) . R?U????? 55a Route taken by American lacking will to cross river?(10). ???E???A?? 31d What blondes have first put...
Last two . 19a Content of oceans symbolised ( in various cases ) in barnacles (6,8) ?O?I?M?H?O?I?E .It must be SODIUM CHLORIDE , but why? 50d X marks place at the start for primate . Is it CHIMP , and...
Absolutely stuck on last one. 7d Female apparel in dainty boxes (5). L?N?A .
LINDA is the only answer I can think of . Must be wrong elsewhere . Help please !...
Last one and stuck fast . 27a. Where to save lives with centre for malaria (3) . I?A. Is it the centre of V(iva)x which is a type of malaria .IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement) is an alternative...