English newspapers have been concerned with David Cameron's possible experimentation with weed at university, with some people saying that he is unsuitable to run the country because of it. Is this...
I have used HMV digital for the first time to download one song. Can anyone tell me how I can transfer/download the song to my iPOD - I haven't a clue! I thought it would've downloaded automatically...
Objections to lewdness in AB Suggestions are being 'deleted: Body & Soul ? Postings from 4 December: http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Body-and-Soul/Q uestion330938.html AB Member what AB member would...
I love the new formatting of the website which allows easyer copying and pasting of the info without selecting all the adversts and things too. Nice Job Ed. Matty
Where it has the list of questions and says: Name | Date | X answers Last Answer: <date> What about adding/replacing it with the last person to respond (like they do on forums). Because I always...
Ed, could you PLEASE give science back its own category? It does not belong with computers at all. This used to be my favourite category, and now having to trawl through the endless computer Qs to...
AB Tour Guide: No Time wasters job description: totally offay with the workings of the new Platinum AB; Ability to multi-task on a hitherto unheard of scale; no fear of the concept of sub-dividing...
I guess the sub-categories aren't a bad idea but why not use the main topic screen to show ALL the questions in that topic including those in sub-categories, clicking on a sub-category would then...