A dilemma!! Can anyone recommend a really nice place to go on holiday with an age range of 15 to 77!! A tall order I know. We want somewhere a bit classy but with a lively town within walking distance...
Hi All, Does anyone know a good read that illustrates someone getting over a bearevement - a book that covers all emotions that ones faces when dealng with loosing a loved one. Many thanks, Pam
I am not sure how to ask this question because I only have vague references to go on,however here goes. Between 1947 & 1950 my job sent me all over the country & I was driving from London to Edinburgh...
I have been offered a ticket on the first Eurostar out of the new St Pancras on 14th November. My passport is years out of date and I am not sure but think I might need a current one. This has only...
im in a real bad situtaion at the moment my mum just told me she booked a holiday for us two on the 11th of december and she didnt know my passport wasnt up to date does anyone know how to get my...
I need to meet my girlfriend in Italy next month. She is going to be based in Milan but she wants us to visit another city. Having been to Venice I suggested it to her as its about 2 hours and 30 mins...
Hi all, it's my mums 50th birthday next year (March) and I'd really like to surprise her with a nice trip away but I'm having trouble deciding on the destination. Its a bit difficult because she's not...
Hi guys, For the past year and 3/4 I've been with someone in a LDR. She lives in London and me in Hong Kong. I have been away and have only seen her maybe 8 weeks collectivley in those 2 years. I was...
Can anyone tell me what sort of temperature to expect in Floriday 10th - 15th may. Just a rough guess, taking the kiddies and wondered would we need cardigans for evening parade etc etc.? or is it...
Hey everyone, On Monday, I will hopefully be in Canada with my girlfriend. I have the flight booked, passport's here, everything is sorted... Or so I thought. I looked up the terms and conditions for...