I'm looking for a word that means or connotes bringing together disparate things to make a harmonious whole. I'm gathering a group of artsy cratsy folks to do collage and mosaic, both of which attempt...
What's the meaning of "cram it into the governments' face" in the following sentence? This is the first time the federal government aggressively prosecuted someone who claimed to be growing pot for...
I have just written a question and found that a really similar question has been asked and answered. I don't find that too odd, but I find it weird that the wording of the question is really similar...
Why do questions keep disappearing from here? There was an interesting question on grammar to which I gave a reply yesterday, and today it's gone. This never used to happen, did it?
What is the meanig of "get a bad rap" and "lay on the anti-gang rap" in the following sentences(specially, the meaning of rap)? 1. The images persist : a prairie fence where Matthew Shepard's limp,...
What is the meaning of "notwithstanding" in the following sentences? The Constitution and the laws of the United States, which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall...
What's the meaning of "in any other light than" in the following sentences? With the existing colonies or dependencies of any European power we have not interfered and shall not interfere. But with...
The field where they play polo - is it called a maidan? Or do the nobs say 'field' oh and another thing while I here, where does that Cumbrian expression kushti come from? and what does it mean for...