Please help, i have downloaded some films, and would like to play them on my tv via my laptop. I have a s-video lead, is there anything else i need so that i can play the films onto my tv. Thanks
I have stored all my music collection on my laptop, is there any way i can connect it to speakers bigger than the ones i have originally for my pc. And can make karaoke through my laptop.
Please tell how i can get stop emails getting into my bulk and inbox. I have never been on anything online that is adult only and i really don't want those type of emails on my computer, can anybody...
My laptop does not have anything on it to put a firewire, could anyone tell me if it is possible to add firewire to my laptop. There are no spaces on the laptop to install this, i have a IEEE1394 lead...
My laptop does not have anything on it to put a firewire, could anyone tell me if it is possible to add firewire to my laptop. There are no spaces on the laptop to install this, i have a IEEE1394 lead...
I recently bought a samsung camcorder but had no firewire, so i bought one but does not fit in my laptop can anyone tell me if i can buy an adapter to fit the firewire int my laptop