Hello, Was just wondering if any of you guitarists out there could help me with a problem. I need to restring my acoustic and was wondering if i could use the same type of strings that i have on my...
I'm in the mood for some real blues, you know the original 'dark' blues, guitar orientated, the kinda stuff you hear in the background in films set in Missisipi. Prison blues kinda stuff, where it's...
I was wondering if there was anyone out there who had a really good list of guitar chords they could send me. I'm specifically interested in a long list of 'Serial layout' chords written something...
In the latest Flash advert, the "Britains cleaner" one, whats the last piece of music that plays? The piece with the really fast strings. Any classical fans out there with the answer, please let me...
I've checked some through some old answers but most seem to point towards everyones favourite film but if you had to name your top ten films what would they be, to start the ball rolling mine are, in...
I've been trying to find this song for ages but with no luck; i've trid searching the lyrics on google, phoning 2580 on a mobile and singing it into a machine (which wasn't embarassing at all!) and...
Everybody seems to be asking for the songs/artists from TV adverts. Have you seen this: http://www.commercialbreaksandbeats.co.uk/comp .asp Lists nearly all!!
Sorry if this question seems a bit morbid,but I'm just curious to know what people,if they had the choice of 2 songs,would choose to be 'sent over to the other side' with.My 2 choices would be the...
Anyone know name of the band/song song on the new Bacardi advert? Its quite a rocking tune and repeats the lyrics "Get Up, Get Out, Get Loose" loads of guitar riffing in it?
There's an advert on chnnel 4 currently, advertising the O2 wirless festival (soon to be shown on ch4). It has people dancing with tubes of light around them... What's the music featured in this...
The advert were the two fellas dressed up like fish and run the opposite way into a Marathon, funny advert, cracking music. although I cant seem to find the tune anywere to download, apparently the...
Hello, can anybody please tell me the music in the new VO5 advert? Its the one where a load of Japanese kids are in a classroom and two of them have styling gel in their draws etc. Love the music but...