Good morning everyone- it's a grey day here, no rain in sight and no wind to speak of, not cold, just glum, if a day can be called that 🤔🙁 I'll just be happy staying put and doing puzzles 😋 Todays... ...
At various times throughout the US election, we've heard mention of something called "The Special Relationship". We've heard it before, of course, but just what is it? What relationship? Why... ...
Walking back from lunch some eejit came up behind me on one of those illegal electric scooter things shouting abuse. I stayed where I was be barged past I pushed him into the frog, then threw his... ...
Dingbat 1 is the letter A inside the shape of a heart Dingbat 2 is the symbol "<" beside a picture of canned beans like "< (picture of beans)" Dingbat 3 is a picture of 2 trains, a picture of... ...
Good morning everyone - going to be a warm one here today, just in time for the Christmas Pageant which always signals the start of the silly season in Adelaide. It's not going to last, but giving... ...
Just spoken to mum, bearing in mind she was born in the 20s, in 4 months time she will be 104 years young. What did she say? Its about time the purse strings were tightened. Keep on giving and you... ...
Socialists hate prosperity, their voters are people who think and envy like they do. When people prosper they tend to see through socialism. That's why labour and socialists genarally hate it when... ...
Starting Clue Chain 9 - all welcome 😊 The idea of the game is that the setter poses an original home-madeclue which everybody is invited to solve. The poster who solves the clue first (hopefully... ...
Can anyone help point me in the right direction with these logos, I am unable to copy the actual logo onto here 3 Black anchor leaning to left with intertwined chain and C at top. 11 Brown elk/deer... ...