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I have a really strange sensation in the side of my foot. It's difficult to explain but it feels like an electric current pulsing (not heartbeat rhythm) at random. When it happened in bed the other...
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anyone got a gym ball, if so hav u toned up, how long did it take. ta
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Why are some people so aggressive and rude when they answer questions on this site? Why can't they make a point without name calling or being personal? It's only a few, but it's generally the same...
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WHats the secret? A friend asked me this and I feel I should also ask all you sages, rages, wise, fools, deep, shallow, linear, non linear beings What's the secret? NO the ANSWER IS 42 NOT THE SECRET....
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Which is more attractive, brown eyes or blue?
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If vests were made to keep us warm, what is the purpose of string ones ?
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one of mine is fat women who ware the low waist jeans and all the fat belly drops over the band, hate that, im no twiggy, so dont hav any prob wiv fat women, but they r for the thinner women wiv flat...
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I was listening to the radio this morning, and i heard that the song 'baa, baa, black sheep, have you any wool?' is being changed to 'baa, baa, woolly/rainbow sheep etc.' just because it's a black...
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Are there any online games where you assume the role as an agent of a sports star/celebrity etc???
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Why would a person have a so called "interesting" :o( chat about milk powder? "Do you put it in your tea dry or mix it up with water first"?
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been trying to delete a folder, each time it says cant remove directory is not empty. but all in it i want gone, thanks for any help
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hi anyone hav a mp3 player, im wanting one but never heard of ministry of sounds, any good???? thanks
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Anybody know?
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Last night my friend was downloading the windows updates, this morning out of nowhere he got a blue screen, the computer shuts down and it makes reference to their being a problem with kmixer.sis and...
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All of my windows files pop up when i first start up my pc, i havent changed anything recently and it doesent make it run any differently to before, anyone know why this has started happening?
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this is freaky--recently on a few occasions a voice has suddenly come thru my pc speakers--think i may have been on msn messenger each time but not sure--the voice is female and simply...
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i hav a new mouse, i like it, but every so often while scrolling playing games etc, it just runs off on its own, its always to the side of the screen, annoying it is. any ideas thanks
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There's a girl I really like who was on my course at university. I genuinely feel that she likes me as well, we don't know each other very well as she was briefly seeing my flatmate a while ago, but I...
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av i got a drink prob i go out tues 4 5 pints thurs 4 bout 6 n fri n sat 4 about 20 n sun 4 a few
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Has anyone ever had their partner hit them as a 'one off' in the heat of the moment, never to be repeated?

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