Would you be spooked if you had to spend a night there by yourself? Would you go and explore? When I was wee, my grand parents had a huge house, with some "guest" rooms that were hardly ever used and...
You seem to know your onions Mr XLA. I've got an impacted wisdom tooth which only aches now and again but the tooth next to it plays up like hell if I eat or drink anything cold. My denstist told me...
A close relative of mine has just got a new job. But before he starts work he was asked to undertake a health test. They found blood in his urine - what does this mean ? is it a symptom of something...
We finally paid off the morgtgage 2 weeks ago! We've had the deeds but I was disappointed to to find there were no original buildings plans. Our house was built in 1924 with alterations etc over the...
Am stuck with the answer to the crossword and would appreciate any help. Answer is a 3 word name of an ITV reality series (7,2,4). Letters are: T D T E A L D E L I A T O Thanks!
Apparently everybody hates me so would everyone who hates me say so in here please.. PLEASE DONT POST IF YOU DONT HATE ME! lol Thanks x 3 i g h t 8 b a l l x
has anyone noticed any businesses with simply brilliant names....we've got a couple of hairdressing salons locally...freak or unique...and curl up an dye!
does anyone (please tell me they do) ever feel that you are totally useless, i dont know why i get out of bed half the time only to take my kids to school. i have no job, everything i do seems to turn...
I am having an argument with someone at work. He is trying to tell me that the eyes are the only part of the human body that never grows (yet i have seen answers on the net that say otherwise) and...
I've a 1.8kg gammon joint to cook. We all love ham in this house and I usually pick uo a dozen or so slices from the deli counter for sandwiches and salads. (Never the rubber stuff in packs, although...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles /news/news.html?in_article_id=524732&in_page_i d=1770> With free care for the elderly in Scotland, and free prescriptions in Wales, and now free hospital...
I have my son home again who has been ill since last Wed with a sore, red throat and ear with very high temp! So what do i do (obviously) did the three day rule and dosed him up with calpol etc......