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I'm calling it sock-o because that's what it sounds like, but I doubt it's spelt that way, Frost used it in last week's episode aswell, but this week when he entered the boat house after the fire he...
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Wow ! Who spotted that the press baron's girlfriend was actually a man ? What with her having massive hands, a mans face, and OBVIOUSLY BEING A MAN !!!
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can someone give me the answer to 20 down in the mails you mag. I have gone wrong somewhere . sincere thanks....Raymar.
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When visiting the U.S.A. I have noticed that banks invariably describe themselves as FIRST. For example. one may see a sign outside a bank with the words FIRST CITY BANK of CACTUSVILLE. One never...
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Carol Anne
Help! anyone please tell me how to extract VAT from total. I used to know it years ago but have forgotten.
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I know that these storylines have to stretch credibility a little.......but I mean 'come on'.......... A member of an inquiry committee resigning on a point of honour !?!
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Has anyone got any idea how we go about this? We have looked online and it says all the forms we need, but where do we get them? There are lots of websites offering their services but we are not sure...
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Having been fed with liquid preparations via a tube after a mouth operation I am now to progress to making puree meals. I have only been given basic information, so has anyone any experiance of making...

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