I usually do the Mail on Sunday crossword each week, and send it by post, but just wondering.....there is a dotted line around the crossword, entry form and all the questions, and I never know if... ...
Hello all, ive just completed the Twixtmas wordsearch in todays Daily Mail, but the e mail address given to submit answers does not seem to work for me.....mailplus.co.uk/twixmasteasers Ive had... ...
Any advice is welcome. I'm in private rented property and seeking financial redress for non completion of works in house going back 3.5 years. Housing standards and ombudsmen involved. I have... ...
Hello, I am thinking of buying an e bike, mostly for local use. I have been told they are very heavy and I know I wouldn't be able to lift it in my car. Does anyone have experience of using an e bike?...
My home internet now stops working on regular basis, and seems to be getting worse. Talktalk have checked the outside line and say no problems. I check everything inside the house - any ideas what...
There is a smell like coal dust in my house, which makes me cough from time to time. My neighbours have a coal fire. I have gas central heating. It is only happened the past week. Could it be coming...
I moved into rented house last year, and no matter what I have tried I can't get rid of a musty smell. I have cleaned carpets, used bicarb soda, and so on. Any ideas anyone?
My electricity suddenly went off, but there was no power cut. I checked the fuse box, and none of the little switches had tripped except the big one. I switched it to on and the power came back on....