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Im a BusyBee
My bed is always made by 9 o'clock in the morning - i couldnt go to work and leave it unmade! is this normal? who makes theirs and who doesnt?
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Rev. Green
Mrs Beeton says you can make a sponge cake with plain flour without bicarbonate of soda. You start by beating three eggs with some sugar over warm water until the mixture is creamy. I beat it for 45...
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I have a dell inspiron 9400 and a while back the sound from my actual laptop speakers cut out completely, but when speakers (or headphones) are put in then there is sound... only out of one speaker...
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ban the cretins who post suggestive and filthy and offensive questions and answers, we can do without them. It's a valuable site for exchange of info, we can do without these sick people.
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I have just been given some speakers to enable me to have sound on my computer. How do I know where at the back of the computer I insert the lead? How can I tell if the speakers are faulty or if I've...
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Ive been having horrible chest pains for a week and do drink quite alot of coke but not excessively.
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I've just had a pork chop with a mixed spice and ceyene pepper coating, with homemade mash, spinach and soya beans. And you have had or are havng.................?
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Why have you altered the format for the questions to italic it is most difficult to read ?
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I need to store some clothes in my basement which isn't damp, but is an enclosed space so may suffer from lack of air circulating. Any idea what is the best way to do this? Bin bags? I have lots of...
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Testing Testing 1 2 3
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anyone no of a peach cobbler recipie?
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Why do some sponge recipes use plain flour and others self raising.....does it really make a difference?
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1. What have have brought to AnswerBank ? (information, solutions, recipes or just plain - or even complex - stupidity ?) 2. Why ? Do you have no information, solutions or recipes ? 3. What colour is...
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Well it's friday again, what will you be doing at the weekend? What are you having for lunch? Is it raining where you are? Are you at work or home? Do you find CB stimulating? This is not a quiz,...
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jack daniels
WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO! I've got through 3 weeks of training & I was offered the job today!!!! I am now officially serving behind the counter in the post office from next week. I'm on cloud nine. &...
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who can leave the biggest space. Here goes. How's that.
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icy, pastry and, oooh can't remember the third.
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1. What have you brought to AnswerBank ? (information, solutions, recipes or just plain - or even complex - stupidity ?) 2. Why ? Do you have no information, solutions or recipes ? 3. What colour is...
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Sonny Jim
Can someone recommend somewhere to take the wife for her 40th birthday. 1 or 2 nights in October.
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Mani Hussain
Which celebrity do you look most like? I'm always being told I look exactly like this guy; _ul_haq_549961.jpg

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