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Hi to everyone.Hope you are all well.Lottie (14 week black lab pup) is doing really well.Feel very lucky to have such a well behaved dog.Just one question.When would you suggest I can cut her meals to...
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Any one else watching this? I have a pedigree dog and a mongrel, but even 5 minutes in and I'm in tears already! Nothing necessarily about them being pedigree, just the clips they have shown of some...
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my dog is two years old. and we would like to breed her with a dog she knows well. how can we help them along the way without interfeering too much
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Anyone ever kept corn snakes? I have been offered a baby corn snake (when they hatch) and a tank to keep it in. Obviously I will research them first before making my mind up but was looking for...
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any tips on a humane way to teach our 3 m onth old collie to stay within the boundary of our garden, she starts classes in september but we need to nip this in the bud now while she is still young,...
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what do your orfes like to eat as mine dont like fish sticks
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We have a couple of dogs staying with us at the moment, plus two of our own. A couple of days ago 2 of them started sneezing and snorting occasionally. Is this a common cold or the signs of something...
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Hi. We have a white staffy bitch, aged 8 months and since she was 12 weeks old she has had bald patches especially under her chin and on her chest and legs. She doesn't scratch but it looks so awful....
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Just wondered what your opinion is on giving your dogs raw bones. And if you give them what age would you do it?lI have access to them as we have a butchery where I work but I'm really not sure. My...
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How many times a day should you feed pond goldfish in summer?
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My puppy is a jack russell yorkshire terrier cross 14 weeks old. I started out feeding her 3 times daily and now feed her twice a day although usually with something extra during the day, either a few...
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Im 26 and just been diagnosed with HIV. I may live ten years or the rest of my natural life. Would it be selfish of me to buy a parrot? I will only be working part time. Before everyone starts this is...
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i dont know if my dog is pregnant or not what signs should i look out for
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I'm talking about kennel size here! At the mibute we have one medium sized kennel in the garden which boh my Ashke and Cleo curl up together in, but we are looking to upgrade! I saw a kids shed kinda...
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All I asked was a bloody question about fleas and most of the answers i got picked out all my spelling mistakes. wat on earth is the point in answering a question about cat fleas by telling me i cant...
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for dogs?
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Has anyone used SKOOSH to treat fleas in there home if so can you tell me how effective you think it is? If not does any one know of any other really good sprays thay kill the flea and its eggs. Also...
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I have been made aware of a dog owner who has been pulled up by the police for having her dogs on the back seat of her car. They were sitting quietly, and the owners were initially penalised with 6...
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A 12 week old Bulldog pup has appeared on a rescue site: "The couple I understand live in a small apartment with very little access to outside and both are out most of the day. Apparently they do not...

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