Though both Motorola V3 mobile phone and Tom Tom go 300 both have bluetooth, I can't get them to communicate with each other. Both devices have successfully paired with other devices, but not each...
Hi there, am in Spain at present and have brought my laptop and webcam. Have connected to Telefonica dial up. When connected to family in uk without webcam, sound fine. When webcam connected, sound...
I really love Marmite, but restrict it's use usually to toast. Just wondering If I could add to other things, like soup to add more flavour. I often use veg. stock cubes but they seem so salty. I...
It may sound a daft question, but how is salt produced by the earth, and how is it that there is always a constant sourse of it, it seems in Torrevieja, and will it ever run out? Julia.
What was the series with the above two? They had a butler / handyman / minder - older bloke with a gruff voice. They also had a little dog! Been bugging me all day - please help. Thanks, Julia.
I'm trying to upgrade my daughters computer from Windows 98 to 98SE. Windows 98SE will not install over 98. Do I need wipe the hard drive clean, and start from windows 98SE? Thanks.