Hello can anyone help, please, I am being unbelievably thick today. 5d Substance that damages the health or destroys life (6) I only have ?o????. Also 16a Well-known type of 5 down (7) I have ?r???i?...
4d.nag, say, after nagging too much might be (6*)...hoarse? 23d.happen to exist and become a victim (6*) ..befall?..24d.a french drama heard but not viewed (6*)..unseen?.are these correct please?...
Morning All Sorry I am a little late again, may I say to you all thank you for your good wishes, I really appreciate them. When you look at my crosswords this week please excuse the handwriting,...
Hello! Can anyone help with the following clues, please. 10a Wavering, a malster became suspicious (5,1,3) I have ?m???a?a? and Go missing, goatherd suffered famine (6) d?a?t?. Many thanks.
I'm missing passwords for the Daily Mail French cottage promotion for Sunday 21 March, Sunday 28 March, Sunday 4 April, Sunday 11 April - can anyone help?
Hello! Can anyone help with the following two clues, please....4d Imagine a profit will change one's opinion (5,5) I have th?n? a???n; also 17a An attack to be faced?(7) I have?r?n???. Many thanks....
Good Morning! Can anyone help with the location of the pink Easter Egg, please. Have found the others and have hunted high and low but cannot find the pink one. Many thanks!
Still working on this crossword which just shows how slow I am! Can anyone help with 7d, please? Yeast fermenting still (2,3) I have ?? y?? also 8d Mad having called during the action(8) I have...
Hello! Some confirmation, please. 19d Brave coming from Jericho without Juliet (6) ? Heroic and 1d Wild one of magi protected Virginia (6) ?Savage( don't know why ). Many thanks.
Hello! Can you help with these clues, please. 20d Put weight on (6) ?t?e?s ( Stress?) and 22d Singer takes up most of the seat (4) ?i?a (diva?) Many thanks.
Good morning. Still doing yesterdays crossword .... sloooow! .... stuck on the last two clues. 2d Drama criticism is a growing thing (7) r?u?a?b and 26a Like the one that spoils the barrel?(6,2,3,4) I...
Hi! I have completed the prize crossword but am stuck on the quick one! Exciting (13) I have s??s?b???b?ng also 5d Mad (7) I have nothing for this so far! Doh!! Thank you!
Hello! Some help, please .....1d Mend ways at last (6) I have c?b?l?, 4d Worthless pony went wild (8) t?o?e?n? and 23a Loud noise made by our gripping instument first (7) c?a?o?r . Many thanks.
Hello. Can you confirm the last two for me, please? 19a Exercising for fun in decider (3-3) I think the answer is run off?? and 6d In forest Reynard spotted three (4) I have t?e? Is this tree? Thank...