Good morning all I have managed to complete the crosswords as best as I can and for those who would like to check your answers against mine or if you are a little bit stuck I have completed and posted...
Just can't finish the top right corner - the last two are 11a Many grew old behind bars C???D and 2d Large amount of motivational research first for head of criminal organisation M?/B?? I'm probably...
Hello! Can you help me with the following, please? 4d Group of animals coming before the fall?(5) p?i?e, 5a Right away hit song was remixed (2,5) o? s???? and 7d You reportedly found in entrance Alma...
Good evening! Can anyone help with the following, please? .....4d Hide one's kid playing (7) I have d??s?in. 10a Transfix victim, pal entrenched inside(6) I have ?m?a?? and 5d Many a nobleman getting...
I have made a real mess of this corner! .1a Small quantity of liquid to hit stamping machine (4-6) I have ?r?? ?a???r. 3d Ninth character entering side on equal terms (6) I have ??r??y and finally 5d...
I seem to have got in a right mess today! 14a Are dropping one outlet for reprint (7) R?i??u?15d Terminal's high cost (5) ?a?th and 16d This river goes in opposite directions from time to time (5)...
Hello! Can anyone help, please? 18d He draws when one is open-mouthed (7) I have d?n?i??. 19d Cuts up firm plaster (6) I have ?t?c?? and 20d Black missile thrown overboard? (6) ?e?s?? . Many thanks...
Help please! I am stuck on a couple 21a Same bet for elderly lady (7) I have D?w???r. 19d Need of some writing paper (7) I have R???i?e and finally 25d Cut some of the tablet cheaply (4) I have ?t?h....
Hello! In a mess as usual on a Saturday evening! Stuck on 15a Easily angered but without delay made resilient (5-8) I have d?i?? ???p???d Also 18a Extravagent oldsters liked to be dolled up (7-2-4) I...
Two tiny ones but I am not sure. 3d Urge you and me to go into public house initially (4). Is that push?? and 21a Mostly regretting bankruptcy (4) I have r?i? Many thanks x
Hello! Can anyone help, please? 9a One turn rising (10) I have r?v?d????n. Also 7d Priestess bothered taking time inside with relative (10)I have ???p?i?t?? Also 16d Bachelor entering infirmary with...
Probably the easiest but can't get the old brain into gear! 2d Demanding levy in force (6) I have t?x??? and 10a How actual bell might sound genuine (4,4)r??? t?u?. Thanks for your help!
Can anyone help with these, please: 10a Big hit when one doesn't miss a trick (5,4) I have grand ?l?? 8d Animal that's strange at home with hill-dweller (8) 17a Amphibian remaining headless (3) e??...
Any help with the following please: 5a Man on whom success depends gets an honour, gold (6) - - - h - r 13a Jonathan, about one, to meet and become member (4) - o - n ( JOIN??) 6d Out of gear (4) - -...