Does anyone have any suggestions of any good places to travel in October to get a bit of sunshine, preferably not a long haul flight, something economical.
I know a family who havent changed their bedding for at least 4 months! Surely it must stink to high heaven?? I change mine every week, give or take a day or so. And sometimes change the bottom fitted...
Once again the quiz in the church magazine has defeated me and I have come to request your expert help. The following answers in question are all towns of Britain and have got very cryptic clues. See...
Starting to really wish I had joined the police when I was a teenager (as I wanted to) (but I also wanted to be a food technologist until someone told me you had to taste cat food). What do you wish...
I,ve now heard five programmes saying how easy it is to play a ukelele and how reasonable they are to buy. I was thinking of buying some for a couple of members of the the family but years ago I found...
change one letter in each step to ge from 1st word to last word. i.e. fog to sun with 4changes =fog.bog.bug.bun.sun.........hate to love with 2 changes ?.........pal to foe with 4 changes?........more...
I've just realised that I haven't got an answer for the last question. 60. A gold medallist at Chelsea 2012. (3,5) I can't seem to find anything with the correct number of letters. Any help would be...
Good evening to all, the buffet table is bedecked with all the usual delicacies, plus Venison pasties and home-made onion chutney. A selection of cooling sorbets to cleanse the palate too. Tonight's...
hi i posted a Q on here sometime ago trying to trace the background/family of my G.grandfather. on his wedding cert from 1916 it has him as albert arthur williams age 24 as a...
The one in my bathroom definitely scuttled down the plug hole when I tried to rescue it. The next morning it was back (or its close relative). And I wish Apple would stop rewriting what I have written...
This is a local quiz in which the answers are all days/events in a British year eg Eat up your Bits (6,7) .............Shrove Tuesday I just have 2 left: Regal sort of act (5,7,11) Sing and dance at...