23 A In sport, a group of players from which a team is selected? S***D 24 D Soothing or healing ointment applied to skin? **G*E*T any help appreciated, many thanks
Pirates of the Caribbean question: "We've hidden an 'X' on a page of this copy of NG Kids. You'll need to find it if you want to win the treasure! Any help appreciated, 3 members of my family have...
What was the name of the 'secret document' that the Spooks were trying to stop being published at the end of the last series of Spooks? Many thanks in advance,
22A Base of a word, to which inflectional affixes are added? 37A Studio or workshop of an artist? 19D Pad in a piano that prevents the vibration of strings? Many thanks for any help
what is the value of 3 in 13? any help greatly appreciated, thanks, Maths was never my strong point and nobody I have asked seems to know the answer either! Thanks again in advance.