Thought you might like to read these 2 The Hungarian bigamist was forced to live with both women under the same roof.3 The northern Siberian woman showed interest by throwing slugs at a man.4 In...
Does anybody know this song? The singer is writing to his friend in South Africa and the title may be "can you?' The first lines are "Wrote a letter to my dear friend in South Africe, her reply...
Can anyone remember a comedy from the 80s on itv with a mum and dad living in part of the house and their two grown up daughters living in the other part . the father was played by robert gillespie...
i have recently done a 'how well do u know me?' test and sent it to some freinds. now i want to do a special one for my bf (regarding sex and 'what turns me on?') but i dont know what kind of...
Why do people do that sign with their hands/fingers when listening to real heavy rock groups and what is it called? Put your middle finger and finger next to the little finger down so your left with...
Got a bit of time to myself and wondered if anyone fancied a chat, it can be about anything, as long as it's not too serious, had a heavy night last night!
any ideas I am stuck 1 nd contains a river 3 U - - 2 Material or form used by an artist 6 - - - I - M 3 Second worker with a present-bringer 5 - - - - A 4 Omit a syllable when speaker 5 - - E -...
Have just arrived back in Spain after Vinny's wondrous rave which I missed and on opening my suitcase I found 2 ashtrays, a Big Issue seller and Brenda the Elephant. Please could TCL send...
I'll get straight to the point, without mincing words, and however blokeish this may sound, what body language cues will give away a girl who's up for it? No militant feminists armed with rusty...
My friends son 13 ... 14 in sept... had been coming home from school later than usual..and makes excuses why he is late She knows he likes a girl in his class and vice versa... and suspects they have...