Had a BP check this afternoon and the nurse said as I have hypertension I need to do a Urine test, I pointed out that I had never done one before and I have been on medication for many years now. ... ...
Really stumped on a couple of clues, help would be appreciated 54a, A tyre's put aside for vicars call _ 3,2 and 4 letters only have I?? ?? ???? 48d, Husband wearing suit for fireside I have... ...
If you inherit a substantial amount of money but under the Inheritance rate and you do not own your own property, can you gift more than the yearly £3000 or does the seven year survival clause... ...
I have copd and a carcinoid in my right lung. Have been told an operation is the only treatment for the carcinoid but afterwards I will be more prone to chest infections and my breathing problems... ...
My recently widowed friend has been told she does not have to pay council tax. I'm curious to know why, her pension is £990 a month and she has less than. £16k in savings
Due to a flood my friends house is uninhabitable for at least 6 months and I said she could stay with me whilst repairs are made. Was just wondering how it would affect the 25% discount I get from... ...
My sisters local Council is asking her for over £19,000 for housing benefit she has been getting for 12 years. Apparently she had over £16 k when she was first given it, but she insists they never... ...
Am I miss hearing but in the On the Beach advert does the announcer use the 'F' word when he says Here they come xxxxxxx geniuses. It must be something else
My daughter is now mortgage free but has been told she needs to inform her house insurers that she now owns the property and not the Building Society. Does anyone know if this is correct or not.
Our local Council in their wisdom have decided to put in at least 4 electric charging points in the small car park at the local Community Centre. If when using the Centre are you allowed to use these...
I've mild COPD and have been a bit more wheezy lately and coughing through the night although not bringing up anything nasty. I have Covid Jab booked for Saturday. Is it okay to have it or should I...
I stopped at a red light at traffic lights but I don't know why because the road I was crossing was clear I began to turn right not noticing light was still at red. What happens now, I feel really...
If you have not had chicken pox but have been with someone who has shingles. Will it be chicken pox or shingles you are likely to get if you were infected
My daughter is doing a coach trip this sumer going to Poland, Hungary and Austria. She will only need money for lunches and drinks. Will she be able to use the Euro in all three countries or does she...
Can anyone please advise how untaxed and No MOT Cars can be removed from a Public Parking area. I have tried notifying Police, Operation Crackdown and local Council but to no avail. In fact one car...
My 81 year old sister had her purse stolen 4 years ago, she cancelled her bank cards but now can't remember if her Sainsbury credit card was in at, she knows she hasn't used it for a long time....
My daughter's mortgage ends next May and we have told her to pay it off now as she has savings to do this. However she seems to think she needs to keep a small amount owing say £50 Is this correct Any...