7 down: Painting and drawing collectively (4) A?T?
I can only think of arts and I think I once saw a definition for a bunch of people painting as arts....
Finished, but not sure of one. 12a From distant office, drive away, then choose to come back in (7) O?T?O?T This looks awfully like OUTPOST, but I can't parse it. Thanks.
27 ac. Where situation is tense, unhappy in there (8) ?h?r?e??
14 ac. Pick up Trousers? No, just shell suit (6) ?e?r?s. Something that sounds like pairs perhaps?
Any Help greatly received....
7 down. Clue: Toymaker's soldiers used in Toy Story presentation (5). I have: C???I. I can only think of CORGI as a toymaker but can't work out the rest. 10 across. Clue: Academician will accept it as...
8 across: Surly fellow not getting lead part in cast (4) H?R?
I can only think it is hero (lead part in cast) but cannot see why from the surly fellow bit. Any help appreciated....
14a Beautiful lady to a certain extent proves the rule (6) ???h?r
21d Harsh slant given to news in tabloid (7) ??s?i??
Any ideas very gratefully received!...
Help needed. 18 across: Skilful Pole among the first to dispose of one (8) M?S?E?L? 20 across: Glaswegian carrying intricate open fishing aid (5,3) ?C?I? / N?T 26 across: Seeing a sleazy adapted novel...
26d If 2002 Michael Frayn novel is 'Spies' it doesn't fit with 34a former monetary unit of Iceland equal to 100th of a krona (which I am sure is an aurar). Help appreciated.