Until recently I was able to buy some delicious Yoplait yogurts from Tesco & Sainsbury. They consisted of vanilla yogurt on a base of fruit. During the last month they have disappeared off the...
What is the SONG played on the advert for the new film 'the stepford wives'? It's the song not the music. It goes 'I want you 2 want me, i need you 2 need me, i love ...... plz help
Does anyone know the name of the actress in the Budweiser "Great Listener" adverts for sponsoring FA premiership? Man and woman at table in cafe, she is complaining about a friends choice of men and...
(Not sure if this qualifies as arts and literature, but I'll go for it anyway.....) Does anyone remember a character from either the Beano or the Dandy called Pie Face? My boyfriend insists there was...
The Scot half of my family have a cupboard by their chimy called a press, though its just a normal cupboard. No one seems to know why it's called this, although there had been some preculation.....any...
I remember a programme about a girl who talked to her dad through some kind of white triangular thing that shone red when it was open. I know this is a bit vague but I think the theme song was 'Swing...
Stuck on one clue: A large number. It's seven letters and ends in a D and the answer also includes an actual number. We think the number is either 81 or 86. For example, clue 'These were red in a...
Im doing a school project on breast cancer and I really need to know who has died or survived it. If anyone knows please post i'll be so grateful! Thanks
In the episode Walls of Silence, a song is played when a woman commits suicide, by jumping (leaving her handbag behind) - a song is playing the the background, lyrics I think are 'I hear only what I...
Can anyone reccommend a hotel that offers spectacular views of New York City from your room? Better still a website that shows you the view from your hotel window??
Are old people in those motorised buggy things a la Thora Hird actually legally allowed on the roads? Cos they are doing my head in - i am sure that they are more of a menace on the road and it's more...
Hi, I am 16 years of age and my eye sight is pretty bad, I wear contact lenses and glasses but I dont like wearing glasses and contact lenses are a pain to put in. I do work/play with computers alot...