9d. One has to take hurried steps in it (6,5) T?r?e? March 5d. Current flowing across river near equator (8) ??a?i?a? 6d another thing about this gauge of model railway is sounding the horn (7)...
9ac Great church parson I removed M_ _ _ _ _R
1dn Lay down cards taking in bridge opponents capable of defence T_ _ _B_E
2dn Beg favour after people losing head E_ _ _E_T
Am completely stuck tieh 3 last clues, can you help, please? 1a puzzle made up by married American during social gathering (6) b?m??? 3d clip trail of frigate bird (5) ??i?e 23d wBox blows up (4) ?p?r...
Still stuck.... 24a Play about leaving for work [8] Begins with C 15 d Cried after snake exposed [9] Could it be windswept? Why? 1a Newspaper publisher tries to initially [6] Begins with H
I have 3 that are causing me consternation that I just know that you know! if I hadn't got such an hangover then I could more effort into them sorry. 53 across a simple anangram! a nice broad tub...
Two left.....can anyone please help 4d Section of a newspaper with responsibility for a particular subject d?s?....DUST? 7d A person is u?l?c?y who falls on his back and breaks his nose.....French...