Yeah! I got a best answer nomination. Is there a prize? And.......... I think I'm getting very good at spotting the owls and the trolls. Is there a discernable differece or are they one and the same?...
Has anyone got one of these cigarettes,and if so are they any good.I have just ordered one and the reviews for it were fantastic.One person said they had'nt had a cigarette since they started using...
I'm sitting here with handbag on knee waiting for an 8am pickup as I am going into hospital for a couple of days. I'll miss you lot. Make sure you behave! xx
After my post lastnight, and reading another AB'ers post in FAMILY, what would you be unable to forgive your other half/partner for? Cheating?Stealing? Lying?........... or something else.
(and arguably all the other dwarves too) Sooooo fed up. Heartburn, endless peeing, piles, so uncomfortable no matter how I sit, lie, stand etc. I know I should be grateful that I'm pregnant and that...
Hi can anyone give me advice? i'm living in a 2 bed flat and i have a 14yr old son bt have recently had a baby girl, i have rent arrears over£1000 and have been trying to pay off for a while but...
My friend is 18, at a party he met a girl who said she was 16. Two days later she told him she was 15. Now her parents are getting the police involved. They were both drunk and he had been smoking...
And God almighty! Were uttered by Jeremy Clarkson in a recent show. This has led to an accusation that the BBC is blasphemous by a vicar. http://www.telegraph....anguage-says-BBC.html I am not a...
Sorry if this question has been asked before but I would really like us to have a Spellchecker on this site. Can you add one for us very soon?
I hope this suggestion will be acceptable....
How about adding a catch into the submit new question code that checks if that user has posted another question under the same topic in the last .. errr.. 10min (timing can be adjusted) and if they...
I keep finding these little bugs in the office. They're only about 2mm in length, brown with what seems to be like a speckled back and they have wings that they seem to tuck into their little oval...
A salesman dropped in to see a business customer. Not a soul was in the office except a big dog emptying wastebaskets. The salesman stared at the animal, wondering if his imagination could be playing...
"I got thrown out by a lifeguard for weeing in the swimming pool" "How did they know it was you?" "I don't know" "What did they say?" "Oi, come down off...
i acquired two lhasa apsos a week ago today from a couple who said there circumstances have changed so are unable to keep them they have come with puppy pens are up to date with injections groomed the...