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I bumped into an old flame on Saturday and found I still had butterflies in my stomach when he spoke to me. Our relationship ended on bad terms a few years ago. We seemed to have gotten on okay the...
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is a work colleague, nothing more. Although I did go out with her and her friends once around a year ago. I speak and am friendly when I am in work, but again that's as far as I would like it to go....
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What is the reason for you posting under a number of different aliases? What purpose does it serve you?
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what are they?
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I love her I think she is great a real idol of mine : )
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dudes? Whats happening, whats going dooooown....
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i got home from work today in a bad mood and put my girlfriend in a bad mood. She blames me and i blame her. I am obviously in the right here. How can i make her see the errors of her ways. Touchy!
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Helloooo everyone, I really wanna go out tonight, but I have no one to go with. So rather than toddle into town on my own, which I could never do, nor would I actually want to. Whose up for a virtual...
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whats everyone having? Hope you are all enjoying your weekend xx Hxx
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what have you learned today people~?
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i joined weight watchers today and i am totally new to it but im abit confused with the drinks i dont do hot drinks just cold and it says sugar free squash you can have unlimited amount of but cant...
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I'm more partial to white than red. What about you, What's your class in a glass?
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The sun is shining and i feel happy! :-D Im off to do a bit of "peaceful" shopping in the sunshine before my wonderful little man comes back and i get big hugs, then later, if i can, i'm gonna catch...
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Has anyone read this. I am killing myself laughing. Katie. x
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If you could nominate an eighth deadly sin, what would it be?
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Would you still work if you won the lottery?
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coming over the hill?
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Earth Hour will take place on March 29, 2008 between 8 - 9 PM

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