I will be in San Diego, California, for 10 days in December. I want to rent a car and go somewhere that's around a 6-8 hour drive and stay there a couple of nights before returning to SD. Can anyone...
Recently after a downpour of rain, i noticed all the cars on my street wher covered in what looks like sand. Does anyone know what it is, and how it got into the rainclouds?
Must be pretty small.. and yet it's got enough brainpower to eat, obviously.. procreate, Also to fly.. smarter than me there. Also got the reactions to outdodge my swatting, and enough personality to...
Has anybody ever heard of a superstition whereby you put a coin on the windowsill on New Year's Eve, and then when you get it in on New Year's Day, it's become lucky?
Has anyone tried a substance called Virgin Coconut Oil? I have been reading up on it and it claims it speeds up your metabolism and increases weight loss, has anyone tried it before? If so how is it...
My new washing machine seems to make all of my shirts very very staticly charged. Does anyone know what causes this, whether it be the machine or the powder. I don't tumble dry my clothes, they all go...
I heard a quote a long time ago where a slave was remarking to his captor that although he had his freedom taken from him he remained liberated in his soul. What is the actual quote?
About 30 + years ago there was a group called Nirvana, hits included 'Rainbow Chaser' Tiny Goddess [memory fading now[ ! ] are these tracks still available anywhere?
I suppose the question belongs here - how is it pronounced please? I was led to believe it is koon - tatch (as in thatch) but my work colleague thinks it's koon - tash (as in 'stash')